Pacific Heights RINK — is a community use rink
Signage 1
Rink Bench – 4-5-6ft Design sheet
Rink Bench – 8-10-12ft Design sheet
The rink itself is owned and maintained by Pacific Heights volunteers with LB Pearson school providing electricity and water to allow the rink to exist.
Email and we’ll happily respond.
Current RINK Schedule and Rules (2019)
Lights are on at 10:00PM every night.
IMPORTANT — If the Rink lights are OFF at night, there is NO skating permitted.
Free/Family Skate Times (No Hockey Sticks Allowed)
Mondays and Wednesday — To be Updated
50 / 50 split (hockey one side – Skate other side
Friday T.B.D.
Saturday 10:00 AM – T.B.D.
Sunday 10:00 AM – T.B.D.